
Content Optimization

In the previous lessons, you have learnt all the on-page SEO checklist.

  • URL Optimization
  • Title Tags
  • Meta Description
  • Header Tags
  • Internal Linking
  • External Linking
  • Images Optimization

In this lesson, you’re going to learn the last and the most important part of on-page SEO: content optimization.

Content is King


If you skip creating a great content and hoping that all the above on-page SEO checklists will rank your article, it will be just a dream.

At the end, all the above on-page SEO checklists rely on how great your content is in order to win number one position on Google.

Content is about offering something valuable and engagement with the readers.

A great content combined with the other on-page SEO checklist will transform into a powerful SEO content with strong on-page SEO basis.

Without further do, let’s check out what you should and should not do when making a great SEO content:

1. Content Quality

Quality over quantity. It is better you invest your time and energy in writing a super quality content rather than writing a 10 low quality contents.

A quality here means how well you explain the topic starting from the topic expertise level and in-depth explanation.

Even if you’re not expert in the topics that you’re writing, you can do in-depth research from various research and compile them together inside your article.

Don’t write a spinning content that discussing one thing repetitively. Be clear and concise in explaining each points that you’re going to cover.

When you accept guest post on your site, always do a quality checking before posting.

2. Content Length

Word counts is one of the factors that indicates that your page contains sufficient and in-depth information.

A longer content length tend to be more shareable and worthy for any other websites to link to yours, a study by HubSpot in 2015.

Just imagine, there are two sites that are making the same content.

Website A create a 500 words thin content while website B create a 2,000 words explaining the topics in depth.

Which site do you think will rank higher?

Yes, website B.

Frequent FAQ:

Does a Page With Higher Word Count Always Rank Higher?

No, word count is not the single factor of the SERP ranking.

In fact, there are so many other factors such as engagement rate, reading duration, CTR, and many others.

How Many Word Counts is Too Thin and How Much Should You Write?

Based on our study in Jan 2022, the average Google’s first page result contains 1,667 words.

This means, this should be the minimum number of word counts that you should be working if you want your page to rank well in SERP.

You don’t want to write a super thin 500 words count content that will never rank, right?

3. Create Content That Engaging

Let’s say you have written 4,000 words on a certain topic. How to make sure your reader read until the end?

If you’re just writing a boring 4,000 words in-depth content, your reader are just going to bounce back from your site. As the result, your page will never rank.

Basically, there is no such strategy that makes your reader to read until the end, but at least, you should be able to maximize the percentage they read on your article.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Adding an image every 4-5 paragraphs to describe what the paragraph.
  • Adding a twitter block between your articles (If you quote from someone’s tweet).
  • Add a video block between your articles (this will increase the time your reader visit your site).
  • Add a reading bar progress plugin (to show their progress of reading your article).
  • Adding an interesting header every 4-5 paragraph.

4. Limit Number of Sentence Every Paragraph

Don’t put too many sentences inside one paragraph. Instead, split into different paragraph.

We recommend you to put maximum 3 sentences for each paragraph.


When you put 4 or more sentences inside a paragraph, it might looks nice from desktop view. But when it comes to mobile view, it will look super lengthy.

Although, some of the SEO expert like Brian Dean using strategy by placing 1 sentence for each paragraph.

The shorter it is, the more engaging your content is for your reader!

5. A Strong Introduction Makes a Different

The first paragraph play an important role on whether your reader will proceed to read the rest of your article or bouncing back to the other site.

In the introduction, you should clearly stated what are the things your readers will get after reading your article.

This way, they will know whether they are reading the right page or not.

Make it a short brief of what are the important points that are going to be delivered and making them curious in the same time are the key.

6. Keyword Placement

You have learnt about keywords on the previous lesson. This time, we’re going to show you how to use the keyword in the content optimization!

After you’ve done some keyword research on what keyword your article is going to target, you should mention it inside your article multiple times.