
Optimize for Featured Snippets

Featured snippets is we know as position number #0, where it always appear above the first ranking organic result.

Getting into featured snippets will drive you tons of traffic since your page now override the first position.

But what is so special of featured snippets?

It has the highest engagement rate as compared to other SERP features and other organic results.


Simply because featured snippets occupied a big chunk of SERP real estate.

Take a look on below picture:

featured snippets

It’s has an incredible space, isn’t it?

In this module, we’re going to show you exactly how to optimize for featured snippets so that your page can occupy the position #0 in the SERP.

More About Featured Snippets

Whether you realize it or not, you’ve probably seen countless of featured snippets when you’re searching something online.

It takes most of the space in the SERP and always on top of the position.

Google made featured snippets for the purpose of making the answer easier to find by their users.

Usually, it will come with a direct answer so that you don’t need to click anything to view the information.

Featured snippets can contain number of list, bullet points, brief paragraph, or even direct answer to any queries.

From Zero to Hero

The good thing about featured snippets is, it comes in surprise.

For the normal organic result, you’ll need to earn your position by climbing up the ranking gradually over the time.

However, featured snippets are not.

In fact, 70% of the featured snippets are coming from the sites that aren’t in top organic position earlier.

So, if your site is currently not ranking anything on top of organic position, don’t worry. You’ll get a chance in ranking in featured snippets.

The Formula of Featured Snippets

The good news is, we found that there is actually some secret formula to get a better chance to rank in featured snippets:

1. Snippets Words

Google is not showing featured snippets for all the search queries.

So, before you started anything, make sure to check if the query has a featured snippet existed.

According to our study, there are actually some keywords that have better chance to rank in featured snippets than other.

They are:

  • Definition
  • Comparison, such as best, vs.
  • List
  • Recipe
  • Question

If you produce a content that consist of these words, you’ll get a better chance as compared to other words.

2. Insert Q&A Section

The most common misconception of featured snippets is they think that they only can rank one featured snippet per page.

In fact, once a page earns featured snippets, it’s more likely and easier to get into another featured snippets.

This is why you should be ready and ensure that you answer related questions that could possibly rank in featured snippets.

The easy way to do this is by having Q&A section in your content.

Think from your audience shoes, and analyze what are the other questions they could possibly ask related to the content.

3. Keep Your Section Tight

A long, complicated, and rounding explanation is not recommended if you want to rank for featured snippets.

We’re not talking about the total words of your content here, but your section like Q&A.

Google prefer a short, brief, and concise message when it comes to featured snippets.

Make sure to answer it in the shortest way, but in the same time still deliver the meaning.

4. Use Heading

As you learnt in the earlier lesson, heading is a great way to make the search engine has better understanding of your page structure.

For example, when you aim for a featured snippets: “what is apple?”, make sure to make this question as your header.

This way, you’re telling Google that you’re emphasizing on that point.

Keep it Up

Same as other search result, the position of featured snippets are not permanent.

This means when you managed to get into one, it won’t be last forever.

If there is a new content that is better suit to the featured snippets, your page will be replaced.

Written by Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff at Search Engine Mentor is a team of SEO experts led by Gian Stavin. Trusted by over millions of readers worldwide.