Have you ever bookmarked any site before to your browser?
When people find a website is interesting and frequently open it, they usually add the site to their bookmark list in their browser, so that it is much easier and convenient for them to open back.
Bookmarking in browser.
These bookmarks that you have in your browser are only accessible by you.
Meanwhile, there are sites out there that are sharing the collection of popular bookmarks from the internet world.
With these bookmarking sites, people can share around the world what are they currently bookmarking.
The purpose of these sites is to help each other what is the popular site to read for any niche or category.
This is what we called as Social Bookmarking.
Social Bookmarking in SEO
In SEO, submitting your own site to these bookmarking sites can drive you tons of traffic and in the same time obtain backlinks from that bookmarking sites.
When your site is listed on the bookmarking sites, it help your site to be noticed by tons of new audience that never know that your website existed.
Once they find your site is useful and interesting, they will also add your site to their bookmark list. As the result, they can possibly become your regular visitor!
When your site is popular in social bookmarking sites, the search engine sees it as the link signal that your site is good and useful.
You might notice that the concept of social bookmarking is pretty similar with directory submission from the previous lesson.
Directory submission is the submission of business details to the online directories, while Social bookmarking websites are the websites where people bookmark the websites they like or any website of their interest.
However, directory sites and bookmarking sites share the same purpose: sharing.
After all, sharing is caring.
Next Lesson:
Forum link building is the process of getting backlinks. Learn more in the next chapter.