

Backlink is a link from one website to another website.

For instance when website A contains a link to website B, it means that website B has a “backlink” from website A.

what is backlink

What is Backlink in SEO?

For people that have no knowledge about SEO, they usually assume that the hyperlink that they found inside the article is just to promote another website/brand or simply as a token of reference.

In fact, the hyperlink that you find inside a web page has other function in the search engine.

Backlink is considered a vote from another website.

Each of this “vote” tells the search engine that this website is useful and valuable.

what is backlink in SEO

Hence, the more backlinks you have, the higher value your website will be in the search engine’s eye and the more likely you will rank higher in the search engines.

Number of backlink to SEO

Google has also confirmed that backlink is one of their top 3 most important ranking factors.

What is a Good Backlink?

Not all backlinks are equal on the search engine’s eye.

If you want to rank higher in the search engine, focus on getting good and high quality backlinks.

Here are the types of backlinks that are good and valuable:

Get Backlinks From High Authoritative Sites

Quality over quantity.

A single high quality link can be more powerful than 1,000 poor quality links.

For instance, a link from a super authoritative site such as Forbes, is more powerful than having 1,000 random blog sites with low authority.

what is a good backlink

When you have a powerful link coming from authoritative site, it gives Google a lot of trust and a green signal to boost your site in the search engine.

Getting a backlink from an authoritative site might be harder and more expensive. But it’s worth it!

Make Sure The Backlink Has a “Dofollow” Tag

The search engine such as Google will ignore any link with the “nofollow” tag.

do follow link and no follow link

This means, any link with the “nofollow” tag will not have a vote in the search engine.

Here are the common sources of nofollow link:

  • Link in the comment section of web page
  • Link in the profile section
  • Advertisement

Now that you understand the basic concept of backlink and how crucial it is in choosing the high quality link for your site. Now, it is time for you to learn about link building on the next chapter!