
Contextual Link

Contextual link is a hyperlink that is surrounded by text in the body of content.

Here is the example of contextual link in one of our post:

contextual link

Contextual link can be external link or internal link.

Just to give you a short recap. In the earlier lesson about backlink, we mentioned that not all backlinks are equal in the search engine’s eye.

We had covered the following:

  • High authoritative site’s backlink has higher link value as compared to low authoritative site’s backlink.
  • Do-follow tag backlink has SEO value while the no-follow tag backlink has no SEO value.

However, do you know that the placement of the link also has an impact in SEO?

contextual link value website

Based on the above illustration, we divide a single page of website into 4 sections: header, body, sidebar, and footer.

For SEO purposes, the link that is placed in the body or content section has the highest value ,while the rest are not.

For a SEO newbie, getting a backlink from the comment section seems to be the easiest & free way to get a backlink. However, this is BAD for SEO purpose.

why comment link not good for seo

Google knows that people are trying to get some easy backlinks by commenting on multiple websites.

Therefore, Google treats ‘comment link’ as a spam link.

The ‘comment link’ is also known as one of the ‘blackhat SEO’ tactic that could actually damage your SEO. We will cover more about ‘blackhat SEO’ in the future lesson.

Do keep in mind that building links can do more harm than good to SEO, if you do it wrong.

Contextual Link Value

Contextual link is a backlink that has higher SEO value as compared to the link that appear in the footer and sidebar.

Google gives a high credit if your backlink is placed in the middle of the content of another website.

why contextual link good for SEO

This is because a backlink that is placed in the middle of the content is an indicator that one website is referring to another website as part of their content source.

Written by Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff at Search Engine Mentor is a team of SEO experts led by Gian Stavin. Trusted by over millions of readers worldwide.