
Keyword Rank Tracking

Keyword Analysis and Strategies

When you shop for something big from overseas online store, checking the delivery tracking is important to know what is the progress of your purchased item delivery status.

Other illustration, some of the food delivery apps offer a tracking map for the user to check whether the driver are getting nearer to their place or not.

In the SEO world, we do the same thing: tracking the keyword rank.

Keyword Rank Tracking

Keyword rank tracking is one of the primary activity of SEO analyst to monitor, check, and track the site’s SERP rankings for the targeted keywords.

Search engine optimization is a long-term and patience game.

When you aim to be the first ranking on some keywords, the result will not be immediately.

It’s not like you aim a certain keyword, and you’ll be the first ranking on the next few days.

It can take few months, or years for the SEO to take effect.

However, a sign of good SEO implementation should reflected in a progress basis and it will get better over the time.

Below is the example of SEO timeline progress:

  • 1st week after SEO optimization: SERP page 9, rank #60 on a specific keyword.
  • 1st month after SEO optimization: SERP page 2, rank #20 a specific keyword.
  • 6th month after SEO optimization: SERP page 1, rank #1 on a specific keyword.

Benefits of Keyword Rank Tracking

Tracking your keyword rank will be beneficial to ensure if your SEO strategy is working or not.

When you publish a new content, target a new set of keywords, and optimize it, you can only know if your ranking is moving up or moving down by tracking the keyword rank.

If your keyword ranking improved progressively, it means your SEO strategy is working. On the other hand, if your ranking continuously drop, you should reevaluate your strategy.

How to do Keyword Rank Tracking?

You can tract your keyword ranking manually by testing in SERP and see where is your page position, and repeat it for the time.

However, this activity can be simplified by using some online keyword rank tracking tools such as Wincher and Ahrefs.

keyword rank tracking illustration

With these tools, you’ll normally get a daily updates of your keyword ranking and see the historical ranking data in a handy graph so that you can noticed if there is any significant change.

Track Your Progress

It is hurt knowing that the long article that you’ve been writing for several days with all the struggle is not going anywhere.

In fact, SEO consist of so many different factors that you could imagine.

Don’t give up if your ranking is not going anywhere.

Do the content audit and revaluate everything again!

Analyze why your competitor can rank #1 in that keyword and what differentiate them from you?

Do they offer better content? Stronger site authority? Strong link building?

It is time to improve your content!