In this week’s Q&A section, we have selected the following topic from our subscriber: “Is It Beneficial to Have Multiple Links From The Same Site / Page?”
Question From Frank Howard
“Currently, I’m doing the link building through guest posting for my client’s site. Among all the websites that I approached, some of the sites offer a fixed price with the condition that I can have 2-3 links with 1,000 word count guest post.
My question is: is there any drawbacks of having multiple links from one guest posting? I’m worried that the search engine will detect this as spam since people are rarely linked into the same source multiple time within the same content. Will this practice will be treated as spam by search engine?”
To address this question, we will answer it into two part: the site level and the page level.
Is It Beneficial to Have Multiple Links From The Same Site?
Having multiple backlinks from the same domain or site are still valuable for SEO, if it’s properly executed.
However, there are some conditions here.
If you’re building links continuously from the same site, you’ll get lesser SEO value each time the new backlink is placed in the same domain.
It works like the theory of satisfaction level. For example, the first time you eat a certain food, you’ll find it very satisfying and extremely good. However, as the more time you eat the same food again and again, your level of satisfaction will drop.
This theory is applicable in link building. For example, having the first backlink from will gain you tons of SEO boost. However, when you place the second backlink, the SEO impact is not as much as the first one, although it is still good. Same goes to the third backlink, fourth backlink, and so on.
According to the study by Ahrefs, around 79.23% of referring domains are linking to the same domain or website multiple times.

Is It Beneficial to Have Multiple Links From The Same Page?
First of all, having a multiple links from the same page is completely natural in the search engine’s eye.
With that to say, it is completely safe to place multiple backlinks in the same guest post without worrying getting penalized by the search engine.
However, this still depends on the relevancy of the backlinks and the guest post content.
For example, if you’re creating multiple backlinks from a home improvement content guest post, you should ensure that the backlinks are targeting content that are related to home improvement too.
If you’re just creating links for the sake of getting backlinks, the search engine will treat it as spam link.
Having multiple links from the same page is fine, but do not over do it. It is better to keep maximum 3 backlinks that are pointing the same domain from the same page.
Final Thought
You can have multiple backlinks from the same site, but it is still better to have backlinks from various unique domain.
For instance, let’s say there are 3 sites to place backlinks to your site. Considering the site’s metrics and backlink fees are the same, you should diversify the backlink placement on all the 3 sites rather than focusing placing backlink from one site.