
SERP Real Estate

Having your page at the top search of a single keyword is great, but having multiple pages are even better.

“Wait, does it mean is it not enough to be on page one?”,

“Do you mean, is it possible to rank multiple pages for the same search query and dominate the SERP?”

“But, does it mean it is considered as keyword cannibalization?”

Not to worry, we’re going to explain in depth what we really mean by SERP real estate and the importance of doing it!

SERP Real Estate

SERP real estate is the advance SEO strategy to expand your coverage in a single search query and taking more space in the SERP.

Traditional organic result has been upstaged with more than 20 SERP feature that you have learnt in the previous chapter.

That being say, if your site don’t show in more places than just the normal organic result, you’ll missed out a huge amount of potential audience.

Taking more space in the SERP doesn’t mean you’ll only can add more result to a single query.

Instead, you can also expand the space for your original search result. For example, showing the sitelinks.

Benefit of SERP Real Estate

The more space you own in the SERP, the better chance you get all the audience that search on that single search query.

To illustrate:

Imagine that there is a football match in a stadium, and you managed to advertise your brand in the best position, the huge banner that everyone in the stadium will see it clearly the moment they enter the stadium. – This is your first organic result.

However, you decided to also invest more money by putting your brand logo on the drink container that is being sold in the stadium. – This is the example of expanding your SERP real estate.

Is The SERP Real Estate Same as Keyword Cannibalization?

In the chapter 25, you have learnt about keyword cannibalization. Is it the same as SERP real estate?

In fact, SERP real estate is different with keyword cannibalization.

In keyword cannibalization, a multiple page from the same domain rank for the same keyword. In this case, you’ll rank for two or more organic result with the same keyword.

On the other hand, SERP real estate is expanding the area of your organic result and also covering the additional SERP feature. This way, you still focus on one organic result, but optimizing in the different area of SERP.