
Title Tag

Title tag or often called as HTML title tag is referred as the web page title.

It is basically the title of your website pages.

In the SERP, here is how it displayed:

title tag example

And this is how it looks in the HTML code page:

title tag html

Where Do Title Tags Appear?

It is important to know all the possible places that your title tag will appear.

With this, it could gain you an insight on how your title tag should be to attract visitors.


This title tag will appear in the SERP after being indexed by the search engine.

title tag

2. Browser Tab

It also appears in the browser tab.

title tag appearance

3. External Sites

Title tag also appears in the external websites and social medias where a post is shared.

title tag appearance in external site

Why Title Tag is Important in On-Page SEO?

In fact, title tag is one of the commonly overlooked aspect in on-page SEO.

1. Increase Click Rate

Title tag basically tells your potential visitors about the title of your overall content and it determines whether they are interested to click it or not.

Why Title Tag is Important in On Page SEO

2. Help to Rank for a Keyword

On the search engine’s eye perspective, it tells search engine how relevant your website page to the internet searcher’s query.

This is why your page title or title tag should be accurate and tells what is your overall page content is about.

Title tag is like a book cover.

People are warned not to “judge a book by its cover”, but they often do exactly that.

Title tag optimization

This is why optimizing title tag will drive your website a significant improvement in the visibility and click rate in the SERPs.

How to Write Good Title Tags?

Where the title tags perform as the first impression to your potential visitors, this makes writing title tags is crucial.

A great title can grabs the attention of your potential visitors and encourage them to click or view your web page.

Hence, here are some tips to write a good title tags:

1. Write Not More or Less than 60-70 Characters

example of good title tag and bad title tag

in the SERPs, Google only able to show 60 to 70 characters of page title.

If your title has too lengthy text, Google will cut part of it to be showed in the search result.

You should avoid to write too short title since you are actually waste the valuable space provided by Google.

2. Using Brand Names

You might be wondering if you should include your brand name inside the title tag.

That depends.

You should put your brand name inside the title tag when your title is short enough and you want to utilize the empty space, and in the same time matches with your page.

Here is the example:

brand name in title tag

One of our page about the Domain Authority Definition, we are putting our brand name since the title the title itself is short and our brand name tells people that we are teaching people about SEO.

If your page is for a service or product store, having a brand name in your title tag will be a good idea since it increases your brand awareness.

examples of brand name in title tag

However, putting a brand name sometimes not suitable in some situation when you intend to create an eye-catching page title in which there is no more space to put your brand name.

title tag without a brand name

3. Eye-Catching Words For Better Click Rate

First impression is everything.

Choose a trigger words that can catch the attention of your potential visitors.

If you create a tutorial or ‘how-to’ content, you can add adjectives like Ultimate, Best, Complete, Step-by-step, All You Need to Know, and etc.

example of title tag with trigger word

The more people click your page, it is a signal for Google that your webpage is the best result that answered their user query.

As the result, Google will boost your ranking in the search engine.

Here is our real experience on how an optimized title tag helps to boost our content in the search engine:

Back then, we created a content that intend to win a keyword “science life hacks” in the search engine.

Imagine you see a result with a boring and plain title “Science life Hacks” in the SERP. Will you click it?

Isn’t it looks boring?

That is why we optimized our title by adding the perfect length and trigger words.

Here is the page title after we optimized:

example of title tag with trigger word (2)

Now, it is far more interesting as compared to the “science life hack” title right?


By doing this, the number of CTR increased by 45% and we saw our page boosted up in the SERP.